Initializing Voicemail
This will dial the messaging center.
If you are instructed to enter a PIN enter default, 4726483, otherwise follow prompts and messaging service will instruct you to create a PIN.
"When you hear the language that you wish to use press 1"
"Welcome to subscriber services. First I would like to walk you through some things that we need to do to set up your account. You will have to create a PIN, record your name, and set up a greeting that will be played to callers. Initialization process takes about 2 minutes to complete.
Please enter a PIN for your account, when you are finished press #"
"To confirm please re-enter your new PIN"
"Your PIN has now been accepted. You must now record your name. After the tone please record your name"
Record your name followed by # "If this name is alright press #" Press #
"Now we must set up your greeting. This is what people will hear when you are not able to answer your phone. To set up a personal greeting press 1"
"After the tone please record your greeting. When you are finished please press #"
To change the recording press 1, to save it press #